Ontario Regional Lily Society

Annual General Meeting

April  2020


Welcome                                                       Brian Bergman

Minutes of the AGM 2019                         Lola MacFadyen

2019-2020 In Review                                  Brian Bergman

Treasurer’s Report                                       Declan Whelan

Auditors Report                                            John Kepkiewicz

Membership Report                                     John Kepkiewicz

Newsletter Report                                        Paul Stevens

Website/Social Media Report                     Marilyn Cornwell

2019 Annual Show Report                      Declan Whelan

2020 RBG Rental Increases – Update     Declan Whelan/Brian Bergman

Nominations and Elections                         John Kepkiewicz

NALS 2020 Show                                        Brian Bergman

Constitution Dissolution Amendment        Brian Bergman

Other Society Business