We’re an affiliate of the North American Lily Society and are all about lilies – specifically, the Genus Lilium in the Family Liliaceae.  We are about the appreciation, knowledge, cultivation and hybridization of lilies.



Meetings are held at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington Ontario or on Zoom several times a year – April, July, October, and November.  Updates on virtual and in-person meetings will be posted here.

The Annual General Meeting showcased speaker Judith Freeman  of the Lily Garden and the topic –  Answers Your Lily Questions.   Go to our events page to play the video of the session.

The Annual Lily Show was JULY 6TH – JULY 7TH at RBG – Go to our Annual Lily Show Page for the Show Highlights.

The Annual Lily Sale and Auction will be October 20th  at RBG.  We’ll keep you posted on the details.


Thanks to all our members who renewed – we will keep you current with our newsletter via Mailchimp, keep you informed on upcoming events and offer a 10% discount on sales at the Autumn Bulb Sale.

Contact us anytime at info@ontariolilysociety.ca

Check us out on Facebook and Instagram