The North American Lily Society announced the winners of the virtual lily show on August 28th 2021.
ORLS member Elizabeth Schleicher won in the design section for best Novice design with a brilliant concept of making a leaf into a shoe showcasing Elizabeth’s creativity and originality. Congratulations Elizabeth!
Design Class 5 “Do not forget your Shoes!”
Best Design in the show Class 1 New Zealand ! entered by Kim Peterson of St. Louis MO
Best is Show Easter Morn X Sinfonia entered by Joyce Moorman Virginia Griffiths Award (best stem grown from seed) NALS 63-168 entered by Martin Toon New Zealand
Best Asiatic Corsage entered by Peggy Nerdahl Minnesota
Best Trumpet Sandra entered by Jan Stein Ohio
Best Species L. lankongense entered by Martin Toon New Zealand
Best Martagon Spectacular entered by Justin Pasula Alberta
See all of the winning entries in the NALS Show section of the website.