Ontario Regional Lily Society Invitation to attend
The Ontario Regional Lily Society will stage its 56th Annual Lily Show at the Royal Botanical Gardens Centre Saturday, July 15, 1:30pm to 5:00pm and Sunday, July 16, 10:00am to 3:00pm. Most of the displayed lily stems will be sold for only $1.00 a stem at 3:15pm on Sunday. All lily stems will have been grown outside in members gardens and have a long vase life.
The juried event is staged in the Café Annex, Royal Botanical Gardens, 680 Plains Rd West, Burlington, Ontario. Everyone is welcome to attend. Entrance is free to the show with paid RBG admission. After the show take time to enjoy all that the RBG has to offer.
Visitors will be treated to a display of different types and varieties of cut lily stems and 20 creative floral designs using fresh plant material.
This is a great opportunity to learn about garden lilies. Knowledgeable lily enthusiasts will be on hand to answer questions during the show. Lilies are generally easy to grow and, with a little care, will flower year after year.
Lily bulbs are best purchased and planted in the fall. Many of these varieties will be available at our bulb sale on October 15, 2023, at RBG.
Bring your note pad and camera and make your bulb wish list while you view the show.
Declan Whelan – Show Chair